
Windows Me conflict : Erase and Destroy

All has begun with a failed connection to Internet... the rest is history.

I've just reinstalled my Windows version due to a failed connection to internet. Reading some reviews I've also tryed to install 2 Operative System upon the same machine, partitioning the Hard Drive.
Follow me! Do not try to install Win XP with Win ME on the same HD! It's impossible, because ME is too stupid to understand this, and the formatting process is to old (FAT32) to recognize the other system.

This are the last words of my last "nightmare" month . I've become a scientist trying to find a good resolution for my internet purposes. Win Me, is not very good for networks processing (it sucks very very much.); we can speak about network from windows 2000 or more...

Now every program must be reinstalled and configured... you cannot imagine what a game creator can install upon his machine... this will be my next nightmare... but I'm also happy to be here writings this lines upon the Net.
And while I'm writing (my first 20 minutes on the web) my Firewall has just blocked ...1231 intrusions.

I feel like a red point inside a black paper!
And I must buy a new computer if I want to change the operating system and gaining new coding experiences.

That's all, (and enough for me...)

We all are robots that must repair their problems.
See Ya!

Lord Hol Napult

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Credi ancora che l'informatica sia una scienza precisa? Allora ti stai sbagliando.. O impari le arti arcane o ti compri un macBook :oP
WinzozMe non è un s.o., è un divertente giocattolo per masochisti.. ciau!!