
Obscuring Sites - The New Italian Comedy

The New Era gives us a special way to speak and say what we think... a new way to show us as we are, a new way to demonstrate that democracy flows also between a google searching session...
This New Era
gaves the opportunity to every people to decide and organize with others people in every group they would.
This New Era, again, shows us that Internet is our mouth, our photo container, our videocamera to the world, and OUR way to BE.

At the top of this Post, you can see that something is not right for us, only because we are Italian. The Top image is a screen taken from a site that ISN't visible ONLY for italians, but perfectly visible to the rest of the world.

I should not discuss why or where this screen has been taken, It' doesn't matter. I don't discuss about the italian journals and italian freedom of speach... It's a sad task to speak about (and we live a non-journalism and non-freedom epoch).

I will speak how to hack this kind of fuc**d restrictions : http://www.opendns.com/

With this site you can freely register and say to your Italian Providers that you came from Burundi (or elsewhere) and you can , SO, watch every Italian locked site.
Probably there are better site that discuss the HOW-TO about that, but this is the beginning for every damned tyranny that try to break your breath, and silent you voice.

Take a Look at that,
and See YA!

16/08/2008 - Edit:
Italy has just locked in these days the ability to open the Pirate Bay Homepage and listings.
It's always the same story, sad story, where there is a Rich, the Villains, and the Istruments of power. Well, now, as many time before, there also is the "secrets tunnel to enter and exit from the town without paying the passing tax"... heheheh.
Just Configure (no install/no download) your TCP/IP for OpenDNS and you will see the Pirate Bay for first, and for second you....will Fuck the Italian Regime! Damn it!

Lord Hol Napult

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Utile sto hack ma mi piacerebbe sapere quali pagine sono state censurate..
Piuttosto hai letto della nuova stronzata del governo?! Vogliono censurare tutti i blog con un'assurda legge sull'informazione :-/
Ovviamente ne parla il Beppe sul suo sito


ps: Ma quando mi fai vedere un'anteprima di NosfGL ??