
Simpsonize Yourself !!!

Hi everyone! Today we speak about a funny site that some friends noticed to me a couple of days ago... The site is simpsonizeme.com

This is very very funny place where you can put your photo , loading to the site through the wizard, and your face will be magically transformed into a Simpsons guy!

Incredible, I've tried with me and my girlfriend photo and the results is ... far away from the screens that you are watching.. :

Sorry, the Parsing Engine that elaborate the photo is not so powerful and after the first generated face, you must lurk between the options to better customize you SimpsonFACE.

I've tried to recreate myself customizing the noose, the hairs, the eyes, the color of my skin, the age... there are a lot of parameters. I don't know how many they are and if they really influence the aspect, but the results is quite good.

After only an half hour you can view yourself inside a cartoon.

Of course all this funny has been done for a commercial purpose; if you wish, but not necessarily, you can order a cup with your face, or the one of your family components. Otherwise you can download the image and save it upon the computer.

About that I've found a silly bug that didn't let me saves the "file extension" of the image created. A quick binary analisys and I've discovered that the image are in PNG format, so, if you encounter the problem, simply rename the files as : "yourname.PNG".

Then with a good graphic editor (Photoshop or PaintShopPro...) you can handle the images to create some presentations card or birthday invitations, or whatever you want.

Now try, and remember to give a first person image of you! Not your ass! hehehe.
Good luck Simpsonizers!

Lord Hol Napult

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh cmq non sò se sei più brutto normale o in versione simpson :P

ci vediamo alla cena !!

ciauz mauro