
Harmonica for my Games ;)

Hi, in these days I've decided , bought , and started to play the Harmonica. It' s a diatonic Blues Harp (Hohner) Harmonica in key G (SOL).
I don't know why, but in my game (No One Shoots Forever) , all the music has been recycled from midi compilations and this was a little sad to me.

I suppose that al midis are freeware because they are so boring and so unuseful at the day we are... but after doing coding and graphic , music was out of my range. So, today, my subconsciuous brain-subroutines decided for me : my istrument is the harmonica!

I've in mind a country game not so different from Nosf, and i think that it requires some good songs, maybe in wav format, otherwise again in midis. Harmonica seems to be perfect for me: it's cheap (as the autosolved budget of my game), it's country, and it's funny to play even for a noob as me. This was what I've thought about 3 weeks ago.

Ok ,now look at the skeme below:
These are the Diatonic Harmonica notes in key G (SOL in Italy), and all the tablatures I've got are in key C (DO in Italy). I think it's a bit difficult to translate the keys from an Harmonica to another, but this is what I've done to play something.
There are many keys for Harmonicas, and C is for beginners... So, why I don't complicate my life more than it already is ;) ??? Ok, next time, probably a playing test done by me.

See you Nosf Country. Ciao!

Lord Hol Napult

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