
Videogames are the Solution ?

Inside the nature of man there is the survival instinct.
At every problem, the man, try to create a solution; often the problem is the life itself.
I look to myself, I see my world , I try my solutions...
My world is full of crime, have a lot of smog, I cannot breath it; my world is gray, cold, noisy, and people seems to be empty cells for me if they don't know me.

Everyone run for something, escaping from a place to another... it's a job! Every car move from north to south and viceversa... they must be quick, faster than the driver brain, so if I'm stupid I can at least go fast and pay less time for my stupidity. And every industry must be big and high... this means it's important!

In my little world I would like TO BURN all of THIS forever because it's a failing solution !!!Failing solutions waste my time, my brain and, probably, the life itself.
We must begin again from zero to find the right answer to our question about progress.

I think, finally, that videogame are the small solutions to many problem we have encountered in this new era.
They keep boys and girls within their homes, in front of a video, someway far from traffic and smog; they allow you to interact without knowing other people (in multiplayer mode) and to be enemies and friends at the same time. They give you a SECOND LIFE because the first is much less funny. I should say SAD at all.

Videogames are the perfect solution to escape from this sad world, but, how do we reached at this suffocating sunset ? And, more important, where will we go ?

Lord Hol Napult


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