
Tempere upon Canvas: Nemesis of the Viking King

I have spent the last three months trying to create what my mind suggested to me from a long time ....
an echo from far away, an image evoked by the wind, a memory perhaps ...

Here is the story of my second painting.

Storm clouds leads across the canvas crawling like snakes in heavy black and deep blue ...

The sky becomes dark and leave very little hope for salvation...

The God of the North show himself into the violence of his infinite wrath... is Njörðr, Viking god of the seas and winds ....

The oceand is raging by His command, the abyss will unleash and the fish are overwhelmed by superior forces ...

The fury continues its path regardless of the sacrifices that causes ...

The Drakkar, Viking sailing ship, fall between the immense waves like a sprig into a big river, while the Viking King reaches its fate ... this is his Way to the afterlife.

The serious watch of Njörðr looks in silence...

The Storm overcomes with rain and lightnings...

The last challenge before he is worthy to enter the Valley of Kings ..

*** Nemesis of the Viking King ***

"The Njörðr's Storm
open the Path for Valhalla,
to where the Viking King is going,
embraced by the Ocean".

...From IMOS Wastelands.

References discovered along the realization of the Painting (AFTER definition of subjects):
- Amon Amarth - Embrace the Endless oceans
- Njorth - Viking gods of the Seas
- Drakkar - Viking Ship

23/6/2009 - Painting nr.2
by Lord Hol Napult